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The London Salon 20/01/21

Forty-two members tuned in to the Club’s Zoom meeting featuring a review of the 2019 London Salon. This is an annual event in which members are treated to a narrated view of a selection of the salon’s accepted images. The overall impression of this year’s selection was that the Salon acceptances were more accessible to the HPIC members, four of the more experience of whom, volunteered to give their thoughts on four or five images of their choice from 131 acceptances.

Edited versions of their comments are shown below: -

Bad Hair day by Rod Wheelans MFIAP,MPAGB,FIPF,Hon PAGB

Bad Hair day by Rod Wheelans MFIAP, MPAGB, FIPF, Hon PAGB

Reviewer Tony (R): The real success of this image is the capturing of the model’s facial expression. A kind of tentative smile, knowing smile, rather like that of the Monalisa. This requires a certain rapport to have been established with the model. The image has great detail, particularly in the hair, texture and beautifully controlled lighting. Rod Wheelans is a well-known photographer and has given many lectures on Keighley days.

Last Glow of the light by Rebecca Nex

Reviewer Alan: Last glow of the light – a very pleasing result of intentional camera movement made by the colour of the sunrise or sunset. Would be happy to have it on my wall.

Red Robes by Peter Brisley ARPS, DPAGB, BPE2

Reviewers Kevin/Carla: This image has a great sense of place, mood, atmosphere and it does this with a limited amount of information. The blur and warm colour pallet make you feel as so you were actually there in South East Asia / Indian subontinent. The square crop helps the image which is quite pleasing to look at despite its business.

One Up Two Down by John Pegram

Reviewers Kevin/Carla: A visually striking, bold image featuring the contrast between the black and white design of a staircase in the Tate Britain. The eye is drawn down the well of the stairs leaving one guessing as to what could be down there. The people give scale and the framing of the image is excellent.

Foot Note

Thanks to Duke for enabling the evening to happen by being on top of how to get the London Salon “video” and “step through” files to work properly in Zoom.

Also, thanks to Kamal for providing a more background on the content of one of the image

commented on by the author of this news article (not shown). The image was called “Dancing Shadow” by Maggi Tilloson ARPS and depicted the shadows thrown on the surrounding wall by a model of small naked girl as depicted in the iconic image taken by Nick Ut in June 1972. Realising this put a whole new level of understanding to the image.


All content © 2013-2024 Huddersfield Photo-Imaging Club, except for photographs which are © the original author of the work as displayed on the site

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