For the second year running our AGM was held on Zoom. This year reports were given by all the officers and members of the committee which meant that a good turn out of members went away well-briefed on a wide range of club matters.
Picking out some examples we were reminded that:
Club membership had been maintained despite the inability to meet in person.
The special interest groups (SIGs) in four themed areas had engaged members in sharing and learning opportunities outside the regular Wednesday meetings.
Our club and its members had taken part in a number of regional, national and even one international competition all with encouraging results.
Nearest to home the West Yorkshire Interclub had proved competitive as ever with us retaining the trophy by one point.
Individual members have had success in the 2020 and 2021 YPU Annual competitions.
Our international foray was in the 15th FIAP World Cup for Clubs 2020 where our PDI entry came a very creditable 26th out of 213 participating clubs.
We took part in a one off Cymru digital mono competition and out of 49 clubs came 4th.
A varied programme had been maintained throughout the year and many good speakers from afar had presented their work and shared information on their methods.
The website had been improved in a number of ways and regular reports such as this provided to keep it topical.
A successful exhibition had been held in a shop unit on the Piazza.
A start had been made on the cataloguing of our archive in readiness for it to pass to the local branch of the West Yorkshire Archive Service.
Subsequent discussions took place around the challenges of preparing a programme not knowing when a return to physical meetings would be possible.
It was decided to maintain our half-price subscriptions until such time an increase was needed to fund a meeting room once more.
Well done to the committee all of whom were re-elected and to the membership for taking part in our annual business meeting.