Once more showing the benefits of Zoom in bringing in speakers from afar, this week we had an illustrated talk by Epping Forest based Chris Shepherd. Chris is an accomplished photographer with awards for entries to Landscape Photographer of the Year but much of his photography is achieved nearer home. His talk to us was subtitled ‘Can you become an expert in your own lunch hour?’.
Chris is fortunate in having an office in the City of London which gives him plenty of scope for taking architectural shots, candid street photography and recording some significant events on his doorstep. The challenge he set himself, and us, was to take a camera to work, go out come rain or shine and try something different whether it’s pointing straight up or positioning yourself and waiting for the Cartier-Bresson moment. He advocated taking a light camera body with a short telephoto lens so as not to attract the attention of security guards in areas where seemingly public areas are actually private.
The four screenshot captures here give a flavour of the range of his imagery. The first is taken at the latest free viewing point at 8 Bishopgate, the second a juxtaposition beside an advertising hoarding, the third a climate demo in the rain and the fourth a close crop of a Red Brigade woman in a startling group of XR demonstrators. I’m sure we were all left thinking about how we can apply Chris’s advice: ‘all artists must practice your craft’. I’ll definitely be visiting some of those City of London buildings when next ‘in the smoke’ and we can all try out some of his ideas nearer home. Thanks Chris for an entertaining evening and thanks also to Sue Gibson for organising the session.