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Second Annual Exhibiton Workroom 25/11/20

Wednesday night saw the second of three Workroom evenings for members to "try out" possible contenders for the 2021 Annual Exhibition. 41 members joined the evening with a significant number having submitted work for comment.

Tony Renshaw's butterfly macro shot

The Workroom evenings are an open forum for members to share a maximum of three images that they are considering entering into the Annual Exhbition. It's a chance to get feedback on how images may be tweaked and improved to maximise their scores from the external competition judges. Alan Stopher and James Gibson were on hand to provide comments and pointers to those who had submitted images.

Carla Lloyd's image of Istanbul

The work shown ranged across the Beginner, Intermediate and Experienced classes with a broad range of subject matter on display. It certainly whet the appetite for the quality of work to come in the 2021 Annual Exhibition.

Other News:

If you haven't already, visit the updated Programme page to check out the new look and feel list of upcoming events. Individual events can now be added straight to your personal calendar so you don't miss a thing.

How to add items from the new Programme to your personal calendar


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