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President's Evening - Man's Impact On The Environment 30/09/20

Our annual ‘President’s Evening’ took place on Wednesday this week and it generated some interesting work from our members. The ‘President’s Evening’ is an opportunity for our current president to set the agenda for the evening and Tony Renshaw certainly gave us something to think about with the subject, ‘Man’s Impact on the Environment – Good or Bad’.

In all, 35 images were submitted by 19 authors and the openness of the subject provided a broad variety of work. Everything from moorland fires, polluted rivers and the motorway to a metaphor for global warming (ice cubes in a microwave), our impact on nature and extinction rebellion protests were on show as well as a number of images of wind farms.

Each author was asked to provide some commentary on their image – what had drawn them to take the image as well as their thoughts on the current environmental situation. Tony also provided his thoughts in terms of interpretation of the images and how they tied in to the subject matter. The images of wind farms generated a lot of differing opinions as to whether these are majestic to look at or a necessary blot on the landscape as we move towards renewable energy.

Tony finished the ‘President’s Evening’ by sharing the 4 images he felt best conveyed our impact on the environment both photographically and in the choice of subject matter. The four final images were by Mark Turner, Matteo Leonetti, Mike Hey and Graham Sykes.


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