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Oscars night 26/06/24

Pictured here are the happy trophy winners following the awards made at HPIC’s very own Oscars night. For those who don’t know this is when those members who have had work ‘held back’ for commendation in our Annual Competition find out who has won each trophy and which certificates have been awarded.


Back row L to R: Graham Sykes (Creative digital trophy) ; Mark Turner (Macmillan and Roy Kirk Trophies, both for Nature); Richard Fulcher (Diamond Trophy for PDI Scapes); Sheelagh Davidson (Halifax Trophy for Portrait print); David Lockwood (Bernice Sheard Trophy for Intermediate print); Alan Stopher (Cooke Trophy for Open Mono print and Colin Sutcliffe Trophy for Record print); Clayton Manhertz (HPIC Cup for Sport Action Photojournalism PDI).

Front row L to R: Harry Wentworth (Joe Noble Trophy for Portrait PDI and Whiteley Trophy for Open Colour PDI); Ian Marshall (Swabey Trophy for Open Mono PDI, Armitage Trophy for Scapes print and Briggs Dyson Trophy for Open Colour print); Graham Dyson (Frank Heeley Trophy for Intermediate PDI); and Tony Renshaw (Colin Gower Cup for Travel print).


Absent on the day was Chris Cooke who won the George Major Rose Bowl for Beginners PDI.


Well done to all our trophy and certificate winners!


All content © 2013-2024 Huddersfield Photo-Imaging Club, except for photographs which are © the original author of the work as displayed on the site

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