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Monthly Challenge 6 – Print – Industry 04/09/24

This month’s print challenge had been inspired by the choice of ‘Industry’ as a set subject in the next season of the West Yorkshire Interclub competition. In the past, visits to local mills would have resulted in many images of day to day activities in a range of industries from textiles to engineering and chemicals. Nowadays such visits are few and far between partly because the businesses don’t exist locally and partly because those that do, put up barriers to groups visiting.

It is therefore more of a challenge to members to show prints which demonstrate the meaning of ‘Industry’, particularly where activities are portrayed. Despite that, three images emerged as the highest point scorers so congratulations to Gary Fenton for his 3rd placed study of copperwork, Sheelagh Davidson for her evocative view of former carpet factory buildings now repurposed for a range of uses at Dean Clough which came 2nd, and Alan Stopher whose ‘In the workshop’ print of an operative welding emerged in first place.

Thanks go to Mark Turner and Tony Pratt who provided the critique.


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