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Members' Panel Evening

Members were treated to a varied and enjoyable evening on 17th June. Six colleagues presented personal photographic projects they were working on.

Graham Sykes started off showing a series of inspiring infra-red photographs that he had taken on his lockdown walks close to his home. His technical explanations were a revelation to those of us who have yet to dip into IR.

Mary Rogers treated us to a series of images during her local lockdown wanderings including wildlife and normally busy locations. Her view of hay burning was particularly atmospheric.

Tony Renshaw presented his ‘Nature in Lockdown’ selection of images mainly taken during his morning exercise in local woods. His showdown between a Miner Bee and Wasp was a noteworthy capture.

George Fewster showed us some macro images taken at Knowsley Safari park and then a number of remarkable macro setups at home which resulted in some striking abstracts from refracted glass and the study of a dandelion clock shown here.

Barbara Sheldrake showed us something completely different. Turning the clock back around 170 years she explained how to make wet-plate collodian images on glass plates and then shared some of her images produced using this 19th century photographic craft.

Alan Stopher rounded off with a project which is work in progress. Starting from a topical subject ‘Protest’ he showed a range of images taken in recent years and then took us back to demonstrations from the early 1980s. The older ones were taken from black & white negatives and the more modern digital work had been converted to mono to achieve a similar documentary style.  

All in all it was a fascinating 2 hours demonstrating what talented photographers we have in our club.


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