A hand held mobile phone, positioned near a laptop’s embedded microphone enabled Alan Stopher to talk through the results of the 2020 photographic competition to 36 plus members of the club.
Many hours of effort, by the organisers of the annual competition, judges and those members who submitted work for assessment, enabled the club to mount its first ever digital Zoom based Oscars award night.
A different experience to the real thing: no nibbles, no white wine, chats and exchange of views, no live applause, no chance to linger by a particularly impressive print, no sense of theatre but still an entertaining evening and there were other bonuses: the winning authors could describe the when, where and how of their winning images and Alan gave the history of each of the trophies as they were awarded.
The evening was the culmination of creativity, team work and endeavour by all the contributing authors, organisers and judges. Judges, Andrew Rothery, Nigel Plant ARPS AFIAP DPAGB, Peter Wells ARPS CPAGB BPE3* EFIAP, Christine Hodgson BA(Photo) ARPS CPAGB, Erica Oram CPAGB AFIAP BPE3, and George Steele CPAGB LRPS BPE2, all deserve a special thank you for having persevered with their task despite the ever present Covid-19 restrictions.
A total of 20 trophies were awarded to 11 separate authors and in addition 30 members were awarded a total of 76 certificates.
A link to the recording of the award ceremony will be available shortly on the club’s website and that is really the best way to enjoy the event. To enjoy the images, both digital and in print, it is of course best to take time out and visit the exhibition itself. Open from 9th September in the Piazza Shopping Centre in Huddersfield, next door to Toyland in Princess Alexandra Walk.
