Members showed off their Orbs and Twirls last night. Between 20-30
members witnessed a tsunami of creativity as images, created through
the use of their newly acquired orb and twirl techniques: apparently all
the rage in online photographic circles!
The effects produced both beautiful and sometimes psychedelic effects,
which some members further enhanced through the application of more
conventional Photoshop techniques.
It is difficult to do justice to the images by writing about them. To
appreciate the variety and the beauty of the work presented it is best to
watch the soon to be released Zoom recording.
Members told how relatively difficult the creation of the “grid”, a first step
in orb creation, had been. All images placed in the grid end up being
distorted but careful placement of content can produce beautifully
balanced results.
The presentation of side by side of “before” and “after” images showed
the dramatic impact of the Twirl process. The secret seemed to be to start
with an image with a varied colour pallet, and to be unafraid of
experimenting with the blend modes. More “normal” Photoshop
techniques such as flipping the image, sharpening, multilayer creation can
then be applied to create the desired final result.
People said they found the challenge enjoyable, informative and
interesting forcing them to explore area of Photoshop they might never
have otherwise ventured near.
Other News
Special Interest Groups, initiated by Chris Rogers, have started getting
themselves organised. Sufficient numbers have expressed interest in
Landscapes, Nature and Travel. Members who have as yet not registered
their interest are encouraged to contact Chis at
The club still wants to recruit volunteers to help with manning the annual
exhibition between the 9 th September and 21 st. October. Anyone
interested should contact