Wednesday night was Oscars night and what a night it was. The annual prize giving evening is always a real highlight of the year for our members. We awarded our photographers trophies and certificates for their winning and runner up images in our upcoming Annual Exhibition.
Unlike previous awards evenings, this year was once again run virtually, so members supplied their own wine and nibbles as we perused the finalists' images. Although virtual, the evening was still full of excitement and anticipation as those shortlisted members waited to hear if they had won a coveted trophy or had their work recognised with a certificate.
Tony led the proceedings and we were lucky enough to also be joined by guests in the form of some of our judges, which was great to see.
The first half of the evening took us through each of the individual categories and prize giving. Then, after the break, we revisited the winning images with each author taking us through a brief description of how they had captured their image and what had inspired their creative process in editing and producing the final piece of work.
All in all the evening was an excellent precursor to our upcoming exhibition which will commence in Huddersfield on Thursday 8th July to Saturday 14th August. We hope to see you all there as we share our work with the wider public.