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Forum - Colour challenge 02/10/24

This was a variation on the single colour challenge which we have run in the past.

Members selected or were given a colour swatch from a paint company and they were asked to go away and create a still life image using a number of objects with the range of colours in the swatch for both the background and items photographed. Members were given the freedom to choose how they created the image. On the night, members images were shown and discussed with input from each author as to what inspired them and how they created their image. There were some great images produced and it was agreed that there would be no voting; just an appreciation of members’ efforts.

Four of the resulting compositions are shown here. You can see that in three cases the swatch was included for reference.

Graham Sykes’ ingenious use of blues

Robert Waterworth’s effort at mainly grayscale tones

Trevor Morris’s still life

Mike Hey’s study in orange


All content © 2013-2024 Huddersfield Photo-Imaging Club, except for photographs which are © the original author of the work as displayed on the site

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