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DPI judging feedback - Dave Gibbins 04/05/22

Tonight, saw the third of our judging evenings where we welcomed via zoom, David Gibbins ARPS, APAGB, EFIAP/b,BPE5*, a highly well-respected PAGB judge from North and East Midlands Photographic Federation.

We gave David four genres to comment on all DPI images from our experienced members who had entered in Open Colour, Open Mono, Portrait and Scapes.

David was a clearly excellent communicator, enthusiastic in his love of photography, giving advice on each image as they were presented to him.

David commented on each image and awarded scores accordingly, images that were ‘held back’ on the night, we will have to see on our ‘Oscars night’ on June 29th who has come away with either the trophy, highly commended or commended certificates.


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