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The latest news from our recent club evenings and events or any other items of interest.

Back in October, Glenys gave her talk ‘Get creative’ via Zoom – see an earlier page of news. We so enjoyed her thought-provoking talk that we invited her back this time in person to conduct a workshop at our club room.

Her presentation was about being creative using ICM (Intentional Camera Movement) and Multiple Exposure. She explained the techniques and how she used them in her work. Glenys showed lots of examples and provide instruction on using the techniques to best effect. The emphasis was on doing as much as possible in-camera using blend modes and overlay techniques. Many members had brought their cameras so after Glenys’s introduction we spent a good half hour outside the club room and in the churchyard opposite trying out ICM and experimenting with our cameras’ multiple exposure settings in the evening light. It certainly got our creative juices flowing. Thanks again Glenys for getting us to ‘think outside of the box’ and also for referencing your own influences including the ICM ‘king’ Andrew S Gray. The attached image taken from Glenys’s website with her permission gives a flavour of her work.

A high point of our club year is the Annual Exhibition which we hold during the summer. A lot of preparation goes into this both from members who enter their work, our four external judges and the committee members who work behind the scenes to organise the competition and put the exhibition together.

Over four weeks in April and May we were pleased to welcome four respected Yorkshire Photographic Union judges to review our entries. Two of them, Richard Hall and Sally Sallett, visited us to give face to face feedback on our prints and two others, Mike Barnard and Jonathan Neale, joined us on Zoom. We’re grateful for all their efforts in going through every image, giving their comments and choosing which ones merited commendation. Those whose work was held back will be looking forward to seeing who will win the 16 trophies this year when we hold our Oscars night on 28th June 2023.

They say you should never work with children and animals. I think I speak for many members in finding photographing children a particular challenge. Happily we had Emma, a top portrait photographer join us via Zoom with her excellent presentational skills to give us tips on putting children at ease, choice of location, tackling seasonal portraiture, different approaches for different age groups, complementary colours, lighting, composition, post-processing and a whole lot more. This was definitely one of the best evenings we have had. Thanks again Emma.

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