Back in October, Glenys gave her talk ‘Get creative’ via Zoom – see an earlier page of news. We so enjoyed her thought-provoking talk that we invited her back this time in person to conduct a workshop at our club room.
Her presentation was about being creative using ICM (Intentional Camera Movement) and Multiple Exposure. She explained the techniques and how she used them in her work. Glenys showed lots of examples and provide instruction on using the techniques to best effect. The emphasis was on doing as much as possible in-camera using blend modes and overlay techniques. Many members had brought their cameras so after Glenys’s introduction we spent a good half hour outside the club room and in the churchyard opposite trying out ICM and experimenting with our cameras’ multiple exposure settings in the evening light. It certainly got our creative juices flowing. Thanks again Glenys for getting us to ‘think outside of the box’ and also for referencing your own influences including the ICM ‘king’ Andrew S Gray. The attached image taken from Glenys’s website with her permission gives a flavour of her work.