This week we were treated to a lecture by club member Duke Gledhill, delivered by Zoom. The topic covered was Alternates to Adobe for RAW Processing, showcasing a few options our members might not have encountered before.
As ever, it was a thoroughly researched and in-depth look at a number of pieces of photo editing software, including but not limited to:
Adobe Lightroom
Capture One
Luminar 4
Topaz Denoise AI
It was a fascinating and rare opportunity to see several programs running side by side at the same time. It was certainly striking how different the same photo looks when opened with different software, even before any processing has been done. Perhaps most striking for many was how well noise - the bane of many photographer's lives - is handled

straight out of camera. All would agree that Capture One seemed to handle it significantly better. If that doesn't sell a few copies I don't know what will.
If that wasn't the highlight, a few heads were certainly turned by the creative tools on offer in Luminar 4. In particular, the ability to replace a sky at the touch of a button.
Maybe this will inspire our members to look at other options for processing in the future?