Wigan 10 camera club member and local photographer Nick Walton treated club members to an evening full of variety as he showed some of his work and explained his inspiration and very personal; approach to his own brand of photographic art.
Drawing on classic artists from Dali to Carravagio, Nick gave an insight into his complex thought processes as well as taking us through technical aspects of image capture and production. Pictured here are examples of the three main genres he showed us in his absorbing talk.
His mono landscapes were illustrated by dark Icelandic images and included some long exposure work shown here.
The Red String of Fate is a uniquely creative composite with multi-layered ideas as well as images.
Finally Nick’s project to create still life images using a variety of lighting sources, and layers culminated in the amazing Seven Ages of Man. I can’t wait to see the printed version in all its glory.
Thanks Nick for sharing with us you very original body of work.