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The latest news from our recent club evenings and events or any other items of interest.

Wow! What an evening! Six members presented a selection of ten of their images to a well attended, Zoom based, club night.

Many of the presenters were modest enough to state that although their images were perhaps not all competition fodder; a claim which, from the viewers’ perspective was not always justified, they were the ones they loved for the story they told or the emotions they invoked or the stage they marked in the author’s photographic development.

The theme of wanting to try something different or to develop a skill permeated each presentation. Time flew by as images from a wide range of genres were presented: landscapes, nature, portraits, still life and composites.

Many presenters stated that they had been inspired and encouraged by other members of the club and that the diversity of the club’s programme had introduced them to aspects of photography they would not have otherwise considered.

Babara Sheldrake showed pictures depicting aspects of mental health: the people, their feelings and aspirations. Her work, the product of a commission from the Little Theatre Bradford, has been shown publically.

Colin McGregor explained his developing passion for street photography over the last four years. He enjoys imagining the story behind the images he captures. His interest in art has influenced his photography and has been used to good effect in the image shown here where the clarity at the point of interest draws the viewer’s attention to the rider in the middle of the scene.

Mel Pegg has an interest in people and their everyday lives. Over the last six years he has also developed an interest in street photography and his photos are principally candid shots designed to probe and enquire as to what the stories captured in the shot may be – like the one shown here of a woman leaving a laundrette late at night. For him photographs have been a way of recalling memories of events and emotions in his own life since childhood.

Duke Gledhill – a leading light within the club, not least in terms of his landscapes, took us through his journey of learning how to perfect his shooting techniques: the research and planning (being at the right place at the right time), and knowing the technical limitations and capabilities of his equipment. He explained the importance of getting the right mix of focal length, exposure time, f-stop and ISO, of not always following the crowd and remembering to look behind oneself for that different “wow” shot.

Stephen Drew enjoys experimenting and setting himself ever higher standards of photographic excellence and persevering until he is happy with the result. He presented a range of genres from landscapes to film-noir portraiture as demonstrated here: a shot taken outside the studio, by chance, in natural light at the end of a studio session in Manchester.

Richard Fulcher presented a wide range of genres including composites. He argued the benefits of having a photographic project, of having an inexhaustible patience on the shoot i.e. waiting for the right light for example or when working on elaborate composites. He too, has found success by not following the crowd and seizing opportunities as they arise.

Writer's pictureHPIC Editor

Last night saw our first outing of 2020 and our first opportunity to be physically together (albeit socially distanced) since mid-March.

Sue Gibson organised the evening's events, with almost 20 members taking the opportunity to meet at the Piece Hall in Halifax.

Members had around an hour from the meeting time to explore the unique building's balconies, architecture and details, embracing the opportunity to be out taking photos again. Of course, it was also a great opportunity to socialise face to face too!

One or two members also took the time to explore a little further afield in the town after the Piece Hall closed, with Steve Jones getting as far as Dean Clough Mills. Another great place for photography exploration if you haven't visited before.

We finished the evening with a (socially distanced) group photo and a handful of members also partook in a quick liquid reftrshment in one of the open micro-pubs in town before travelling back to Kirklees. 

All in all it was a very enjoyable evening. I hope it won't be too long before we get another opportunity to see each other in person again.

This week we were treated to an evening with a difference. ‘All in the making’ was certainly that.

Gareth not only demystified how he put his images together, but shared his thought processes, techniques and stories which made you think of how to use all those images you have long forgotten that sat on your computer.

Gareth inspired us with a selection of different genres from Welsh landscapes in all weathers, to indoor shots of unlikely subjects, to detail study solely of hands.

His black and white images portray his love of monochrome which lead to Gareth’s involvement with Cymru Monochrome, of which he is the Chair.

A most enjoyable evening – thank you Gareth.

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