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The latest news from our recent club evenings and events or any other items of interest.

Our annual ‘President’s Evening’ took place on Wednesday this week and it generated some interesting work from our members. The ‘President’s Evening’ is an opportunity for our current president to set the agenda for the evening and Tony Renshaw certainly gave us something to think about with the subject, ‘Man’s Impact on the Environment – Good or Bad’.

In all, 35 images were submitted by 19 authors and the openness of the subject provided a broad variety of work. Everything from moorland fires, polluted rivers and the motorway to a metaphor for global warming (ice cubes in a microwave), our impact on nature and extinction rebellion protests were on show as well as a number of images of wind farms.

Each author was asked to provide some commentary on their image – what had drawn them to take the image as well as their thoughts on the current environmental situation. Tony also provided his thoughts in terms of interpretation of the images and how they tied in to the subject matter. The images of wind farms generated a lot of differing opinions as to whether these are majestic to look at or a necessary blot on the landscape as we move towards renewable energy.

Tony finished the ‘President’s Evening’ by sharing the 4 images he felt best conveyed our impact on the environment both photographically and in the choice of subject matter. The four final images were by Mark Turner, Matteo Leonetti, Mike Hey and Graham Sykes.

Twenty five authors entered the challenge of presenting their take on

Angles to an audience of more than 36 via Zoom. Two members

volunteered to offer a critique of the images which encompassed a range of objects, from windows, stairs, and scantily clad models to birds of prey.

All the images were of a good quality and the authors are to be

congratulated not only for this but also on their originality of thought. The

reviewers too, are to be congratulated for the thoroughness of their analysis and the amount of time they must have spent in preparing their critiques. Their delivery was relaxed, informative and covered not only the technical aspects of photography but also some of its history and their own reminiscences of places and events.

Based on a tally of votes previously cast by members the four winners


1st place - Mike hay for his image Angular skylight in Piece Hall:

2nd place - Colin Mcgregor for Angles (part of the Sheffield Charles Street Car

Park aka 'The Cheese Grater')

In joint 3rd place - Shane Howson and Bill Stokes for their images, Angles Jodrell Bank

and Angles respectively.

During a challenging time for art galleries and all forms of publicly accessible displays of work, Huddersfield Photo-Imaging Club is pleased to be showcasing the talent of local amateur photographers as it holds its Annual Exhibition in Unit 35 Piazza Shopping Centre (next to Toyland), Princess Alexandra Walk, Huddersfield. We’re fortunate to have the support of Kirklees Council in providing the venue and to be part of the Temporary Contemporary creative arts initiative.

The exhibition opened in Thursday, 10th September and will run until Thursday, 22nd October with viewing every Thursday and Saturday in this period from 11am to 4pm. As the exhibition is classed as a gallery, visitors will need to wear face-coverings to comply with Government policy. Two of the club’s members will be on hand every opening day to ensure visitors’ safety. Up to 12 visitors can be accommodated at any one time. Admission is free.

Around 140 framed prints are on show and some 75 digital images are displayed on a flat panel television. The exhibits include the winners in a range of categories. The best images from each category of prints and digital images were chosen by independent judges provided by the Yorkshire Photographic Union.

The full list of winners and trophies awarded for prints is as follows:

  • Richard Fulcher was awarded the Set Subject Trophy for the best  print on the Monochrome theme

  • Paul Campbell was awarded the Briggs Dyson Trophy for the best Open print

  • Alan Stopher was awarded the Huddersfield Camera Circle Trophy  for the best Sport, Action & Photojournalism print

  • James Gibson was awarded the Halifax Trophy for the best Portrait, People and Figure Study print

  • James Gibson was awarded the Roy Kirk Trophy for the best Nature print

  • Tony Pratt was awarded the Colin Sutcliffe Trophy for the best Architecture & Record print

  • Richard Fulcher was awarded the Creative Print Trophy for the best Creative print

  • Alan Stopher was awarded the Colin Gower Cup for the best Travel print

  • Richard Fulcher was awarded the Armitage Trophy for the best Scapes print

  • Mark Turner was awarded the Bernice Sheard Trophy for the best Intermediate level print (an open competition for less experienced members who are no longer beginners)

The full list of winners and trophies awarded for digital images is as follows:

  • Richard Fulcher was awarded the Creative Digital Trophy for the best Creative image

  • Sheelagh Davidson was awarded the Whiteley Trophy image for the best Open image

  • Alan Stopher was awarded the HPIC  Cup for the best Sport, Action & Photojournalism image

  • James Gibson was awarded the Wood Trophy for the best Portrait, People and Figure Study image

  • Paul Campbell was awarded the McMillan Trophy for the best Nature image

  • Carla Lloyd was awarded the Dorothy Comley Trophy for the best Architecture & Record image

  • Alan Stopher was awarded the HCC Cup for the best Travel image

  • Kevin Lloyd was awarded the Diamond Trophy for the best Scapes image

  • David Lockwood was awarded the Frank Heeley Trophy for the best Intermediate level image (an open category)

  • Peter Laird was awarded the George Major Rose Bowl for the best Beginners image (an open category)

The prints have been mounted by the club’s members using frames borrowed from Huddersfield Art Gallery. The digital sequence also uses a television provided by Kirklees Council.

Although Huddersfield Photo-Imaging Club has not been able to physically meet for some months we continue our weekly meetings with a varied programme using video conferencing.

Shown below is a small selection of the winning images on display in the gallery.

1 - 1st place, Open print - 'Bad News' by Paul Campbell

2 - 1st place, Beginner Digital Image -  ‘Four of a kind’  by Peter Laird

3 - 1st place, Open Digital Image - 'Mrs Bullfinch’ by Sheelagh Davidson

4 - 1st place, Sport, Action and Photojournalism Digital Image – ‘Rehearsal’ by Alan Stopher

5 - 1st place, Set Subject (monochrome) prints ‘She flies like a bird’ by Richard Fulcher

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