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Join Us

Membership Options & Fees

Prices quoted are per annum and are valid from March 2022. Membership term is 12 months, April to March. Those wishing to join part way through the membership year can pay for the remainder of that year on a pro rata basis.

Ordinary Member £60

Full annual membership of the club, able to participate in all club events and competitions with complete voting rights. 


Family Membership £30

HPIC offers a 50% discount to a second family member or partner (living at the same address) who also wishes to have full membership. 


Social Membership £30

These members are able to attend club events, social and photographic, but not able to participate in any competitions, nor submit work into forums.

Family Social Member £15

HPIC offers a 50% discount to a second family member or partner (living at the same address) who also wishes to be a Social Member. To qualify the first family member must be a Full or Social Member.


And remember, you don't need to be over 18 to join us - we welcome members of all ages, including under-18s.


Joining Enquiry Form

Let us know if you're interested in joining the club and a member of the committee will be in touch with you shortly.

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Forms & Documents

Policy for the Protection and Procedures for Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults

Club rules

Information for new members

All content © 2013-2024 Huddersfield Photo-Imaging Club, except for photographs which are © the original author of the work as displayed on the site

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